12:54 07th syyskuu 2019

Miten USA poikkeaa Suomesta?

Almost every day I get asked a little special and ear-splitting questions here. Now I could share some of them and at the same time tell you that living in the United States is like what Hollywood movies and series allow you to understand.


Elikkä täällä oon törmännyt tosi useasti juttuihin, jotka oon leimannut heti väärin tehdyiksi, tai ylipäätään vääriksi. On pitänyt opetella uudenlainen ajattelutapa, jotta ei satuttaisi esimerkiksi host-perheen tai koulukavereiden tunteita. Monet asiat, kuten perus kotityöt tehdään koti-Suomessa tietyllä tavalla ja aluksi olikin vaikeaa olla kommentoimatta asioita, jotka näin paremmin hoidetuiksi toisella tapaa. Itse opin pitkän kaavan kautta ja pari kertaa ihan typeristä asioista kysyin ja huomautin ja sain negatiivisia katseita. Ylipäätään kaikkialla maapallolla vanhempia tulee kunnioittaa, mutta täällä Yhdysvalloissa, sanoisin, että heitä kunnioitetaan esimerkiksi olemalla kyseenalaistamatta heitä ja oikeastaan aikuisia ei niin sanotusti kiinnosta mitä mieltä lapset ovat tietyissä asioissa.

I am good thanks, how are you

Every day I also come across the question ’Hi! How are you?’. This question is only asked for formality! Now that I know better, I would never answer it again, honestly! It may sound a bit special, but in real life there is no time or interest here to listen to your whole life story and what you ate for breakfast. A good and polite response is that ’Hi. I am good thanks, how are you?’ Of course, after the school day at home, your host family will surely be really interested!

The so-called small talk really gets better here, if you haven’t learned it in Finland yet. There aren’t a lot of them to talk about in depth, but it’s still worth enjoying.

High school life

Movies and series always give an idea of ​​that perfect High School life! However, it’s not completely out of the blue, because yes, there are those popular Yankee football players here who date girls who enjoy cheerleading. But some of the dating relationships here are very childish from a Finnish point of view. Texting and praising the other person on social media and that’s it.

Going on dates is also perhaps more popular here. I myself have received many date invitations, but I have politely declined most of them. There are more than 2,000 students at my own school, so there are, so to speak, normal people here. Not everyone really likes to play yankee football or play in a band. Many do nothing or spend their time in clubs. I don’t know much about clubs myself, because I haven’t had enough time to participate.

Funny questions

Here are the most special and funniest questions I’ve received from Americans! ’Do you have normal pets, like dogs and cats?’ and ’Does your water taste the same?’. People’s reactions when I tell them I’m from Finland and they have no idea where such a country or ’state’ is found are also funny!’

Annikan vaihtariblogi

Annikan vaihtariblogi


Unohtumaton elämys

Vaihtovuosi on ainutkertainen kokemus, joka muovaa tulevaisuuttasi. Tilaa esitteemme, josta saat apua vaihto-oppilasjaksosi suunnitteluun. Varaa sitten ilmainen tapaaminen kanssamme ja tee suunnitelmastasi totta.